City of Annapolis, Maryland (MD) Parking Guide

Annapolis Parking: 60 West St., Suite 106, Annapolis, MD 21401
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Premium Parking: 121 Cathedral St., Ste 2D, Annapolis, MD 21401

Temporary Visitor Permits


A maximum of 10 single-day permits may be purchased each month by residents of the residential parking districts in which they reside.

Multi-day permits may be purchased by residents of the residential parking districts for a specific vehicle covering a specific, predetermined range of dates. You must provide the vehicle model, make, year, color, and license plate number when purchasing the multi-day permit.

Residents who have not purchased an annual residential district permit but would like to purchase temporary visitor permits for their district must provide the same documentation for proof of residency as required for the annual permit.

The fee for Temporary Visitor Parking Permits is $3.50 per day. A 10-pack of Temporary Visitor Parking Permits is $35.  Each of the 10-pack of Temporary Visitor Parking Permits must be completed by the resident in chisel-tip permanent marker at the time of use with date of use and vehicle license plate.

All residents will be required to create new accounts in order to apply for their Temporary Residential Parking Permit effective July 1, 2016. Residents will need to login to these new accounts in order to purchase all additional Annual Permits and Temporary Permits. All Permits must be purchased at least 24-hours in advance of usage date.

Please view the RPP Information Page for additional information pertaining also to the Temporary Residential Parking Permits.

Any illegible permits or intentionally falsified permits will be ticketed and may have all permit rights revoked.