City of Annapolis, Maryland (MD) Parking Guide

Annapolis Parking: 60 West St., Suite 106, Annapolis, MD 21401
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Premium Parking: 121 Cathedral St., Ste 2D, Annapolis, MD 21401

Parking Citation Appeal Process



If you feel you have been unjustly cited for a parking violation or believe a citation was issued in error, there is a two-level appeal process in place that must be followed.


This review process is administered by the City’s on-street parking operator(s) who closely follows all parking related Annapolis City Code Title 12 to ensure citations are issued properly, accurately and consistently.

The Office of the State’s Attorney has provided the City of Annapolis and the City’s approved agent(s), the authority to review and adjust parking citations under limited conditions including:

  • Improperly written
  • Questionable signs
  • Valid reasons stated with clear supporting documentation. Examples include: stolen or transferred vehicle, stolen license plate, owner deceased, permit not visible, pre-paid for parking.

As a matter of policy, the appeal program does not accept the following as grounds for appeal:

  • Lack of knowledge of the City’s parking regulations (i.e., I did not know I had to pay)
  • No other vehicles were ticketed (i.e., I thought it was OK since no one else paid)
  • No designated parking was available
  • Failure to have sufficient funds to operate the meters or pay stations

The on-line request for appeal must be received at least 5 days prior to the citation’s due date (10 days from ticket issuance). During the review process there may be a need to provide additional information for consideration. It is, therefore, very important to provide a current and valid e-mail address.

Appeal by Mail: If you prefer to submit the appeal request by mail, please download and print the Appeal Request form and be sure to include all of the required information. Completed Appeal Request forms can be mailed to the following address.

Annapolis Parking Citations
Annapolis Parking Office
60 West Street, Suite 106
Annapolis, MD 21401

Glideparcs Citations
Premium Parking Office
121 Cathedral Street, Suite 2D
Annapolis, MD 21401

Appeals are reviewed weekly and the judgment decision will be sent via e-mail or USPS within 7 – 14 days. While the appeal is being reviewed the citation is placed “on hold” and no additional fees or fines will be assessed during this period.


A court hearing may be requested following a denied administrative review appeal. The request must be received no later than 7 days from the date of the administrative review disposition notice. If a request is not received in time, the hold is released and any remaining fines or fees will be added to the citation if payment in full is not received.

Your hearing request will be forwarded to the District Court for scheduling and will also serve as an official request to have the parking enforcement officer present at the trial. The District Court will notify you when your hearing is scheduled.

District Court for Anne Arundel County (07-01)
Robert F. Sweeney Bldg.
251 Rowe Boulevard Annapolis, MD 21401-1586