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Reservation Complete
Thank you for parking with us!
[/fusion_text][fusion_text]You should receive an email to [disp_email] shortly with details of your order.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]
[fusion_button link=”/rpp-member-page/” color=”custom” size=”large” type=”flat” shape=”square” target=”_self” title=”Review Your Orders” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” shadow=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”1″ alignment=”none” class=”resident_permit_app_button” id=””]Review Your Orders[/fusion_button]
[show_content type=’rpp-annual’ position=’start’]
After purchasing the Annual Residential Permit, residents will need to email Proof of Residency to annapresident@spplus.com within 48 hours.
[show_content type=’rpp-annual’ position=’end’][show_content type=’temp-visitor’ position=’start’]
The Temporary Visitor Parking Permit will be valid for the vehicle specified in this request on the selected date.
If you as a resident have not purchased an Annual Residential Permit for this district, you must also email Proof of Residency to annapresident@spplus.com 48 hours AND prior to the use of the Temporary Permit.
[show_content type=’temp-visitor’ position=’end’][show_content type=’temp-10pack’ position=’start’]
The Temporary Visitor Parking Permit in the 10-Pack must be printed and placed in the vehicle at time of use. You must fill-in the Date and Vehicle License Plate for this permit and the bar code portion of the Permit must clearly visible for the Permit to be valid.
If you as a resident have not purchased an Annual Residential Permit for this district, you must also email Proof of Residency to annapresident@spplus.com within 48 hours AND prior to the use of the Temporary Permit.
[show_content type=’temp-10pack’ position=’end’][show_content type=’temp-medical’ position=’start’]
The Temporary Medical Care Parking Permit will be valid for the vehicle specified in this request for the selected month. If this is the first time requesting this Permit, you must supply the [medical_certification_link link_only=1] in order to complete this request to annapresident@spplus.com within 48 hours.
If you as a resident have not purchased an Annual Residential Permit for this district, you must also email Proof of Residency to annapresident@spplus.com within 48 hours AND prior to the use of the Temporary Permit.
[show_content type=’temp-medical’ position=’end’]
Copies of the following documents are required to establish residency:
- Current Maryland Driver’s License (address must be located within the special parking district on the application)
- Current vehicle registration (address must be located within the special parking district on the application). If you are not the registered owner but have permission to operate the vehicle you are required to complete the Certification of Possession Form form and include the required documentation.
- Payment in full is due at the time of purchase.
Residents with driver’s licenses and/or vehicle registrations that do NOT reflect their current parking district must also present one of the following documents as proof of residency by district:
- Property owners: Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation or a current* utility bill with the owner’s name.
- Lessee: Copy of current* signed lease The parking permit will expire when the lease expires. Month-to-month leases are not accepted.
- Military: Copies of official U.S . Military Services documents reflecting residency in the parking district in which you are applying. The parking permit will expire when the lease expires. Month-to-month leases are not accepted.
*Current is considered less than 90 days old.[medical_certification_link]